Healthcare's Big Disruption campaign illustration

Healthcare’s Big Disruption

From Disruption to Optimism

Why it took a pandemic to create meaningful change, and where top executives believe the industry goes from here.

1 Survey, 3 Articles, 900 Voices

In this eBook, HealthStream presents the opinions of healthcare leaders as they assess the challenges and changes of the past, and move beyond the turmoil caused by COVID-19. To understand current industry thinking and strategy, HealthStream asked leaders to take stock of where they are today, and where they want to be at the end of this decade.

Based on the research findings, HealthStream prepared three articles in this eBook—one each to present leaders’ opinions on the Past, Present and Future.

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Healthcare's Big Disruptions eBook

Healthcare's Big Disruption webinar illustration by HealthStream

Unprepared, devasted, and yet optimistic?

In April 2021, HealthStream asked 14 survey questions to better understand “What Are Healthcare Executives Thinking About the Past, Present and Future?” 

Over 900 healthcare leaders – 57% with over 20 years of healthcare experience – gave their opinions on:

  • Whether past initiatives prepared them for today’s challenges
  • How healthcare organizations and personnel are handling the pandemic
  • Where the industry goes from here; top priorities

In a Special Online Event, Robin Rose, HealthStream's VP Healthcare Resource Group, shared survey results, noting that leaders across departments will have key roles in proactively implementing change across three major themes. Listen to the 30-minute discussion to understand which survey items were most predictive of future optimism.

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