
Feeding Technique Innovation Can Impact Nutrition of Seniors Needing Assistance

I remember during the last couple of years of my grandmother’s life her independence greatly diminished—especially as her Alzheimer ’s disease became worse. Eating, and especially certain foods like tomato soup—one of her favorites—became difficult.

April 01, 2021


Challenges In Nursing Facilities: Best Practices

Here are some current issues and industry changes as well as some solutions that will continue to be big challenges in nursing facilities (SNFs), from HealthStream.

April 01, 2021


How Will MIPS and MACRA Affect Patient Satisfaction?

In our first installment of the Second Opinions Podcast, Dr. Miles Snowden, the Chief Medical Officer at TeamHealth, also shares his personal insights about MACRA, its effect on patient experience, and some upsides of the program.

April 01, 2021


Healthcare Employee Engagement, Stay Interviews, and Retention: Podcast

HealthStream’s Second Opinions Podcast features Dick Finnegan, the CEO of C-Suite Analytics and the author of four books, including the best seller The Power of Stay Interviews. Dick works with companies seeking to understand what makes employees tick and what makes good employees stay.

April 01, 2021


What Employees REALLY Want to Improve Their Work: Podcast

HealthStream’s Second Opinions Podcast features Dick Finnegan, the CEO of C-Suite Analytics and the author of four books, including the best seller The Power of Stay Interviews. Dick suggests using stay interviews to identify the changes employees really want.

April 01, 2021


Five Questions to Ask if You Really Want Employees to Stay: Best Practices

HealthStream’s Second Opinions Podcast features Dick Finnegan, the CEO of C-Suite Analytics and the author of four books, including the best seller The Power of Stay Interviews. Dick suggests using five stay interview questions to identify the changes employees really want.

April 01, 2021


A Blended Learning Approach to Improving Patient Outcomes and Experiences

Every healthcare organization wants to create an optimal experience for patients and visitors. While there are nuances involved in the way adults prefer to learn, the vast majority benefit from various learning models that employ variety and choice in their approaches.

April 01, 2021


Credentialing and Provider Enrollment in 2018: Three Key Industry Survey Findings

We present our research collected in early 2017 by VerityStream from 505 U.S. credentialing and provider enrollment professionals who indicate that creating efficiency and automation are higher priorities in their organization than in recent years.

April 01, 2021


Coaching Physicians Based on Their Performance: Vital Conversations

In order to improve outcomes at your healthcare organization, it may be necessary to coach your physicians. Determine the achievement level of the physician you are coaching and create an appropriate plan of action.

April 01, 2021


Four Ways to Improve Patient-Provider Communication

Poor communication can increase medical errors and hospital readmission rates for patients with chronic diseases such as congestive heart failure and diabetes as well as lead to misuse of medications.

April 01, 2021


Begin to Enhance Physician Performance with Coaching

Every physician leader is charged with achieving certain outcomes. Goals to reach those outcomes may include improving compliance in quality and safety measures, identifying new ways to deliver medical services, or perhaps growing a new service line.

April 01, 2021


21st Century Cures Act: Sunshine Provisions at Risk in Last Minute Maneuvering

When the 21st Century Cures Act was first presented, it contained provisions which would have weakened the Physician Payment Sunshine Act, which was passed as part of the Affordable Care Act in 2010.

April 01, 2021


Beyond Managing: Leadership for Healthcare Teams

Healthcare is becoming more complex and specialized, with increased demand for complex health services and fast adoption of new methods. These trends have forced providers take a multidisciplinary approach to healthcare, including a greater need for effective, integrative teams.

April 01, 2021


It’s Time to Automate Provider-Payor Transactions

Some industry experts report that healthcare provider practices can save an average of $7.21 per payment by switching from manual to automated remittance and payment processing.

April 01, 2021


Six Things You Need to Know About End of Life Care

Our healthcare model pushes to extend life, even if it comes at a high cost and sacrifices the quality of the patient’s remainder of life. These six observations focus on the latest developments surrounding care at the end of life.

April 01, 2021


Leadership Development is a Growing Concern in Healthcare

Healthcare providers are functioning in a landscape that seems to be reshaped on a daily basis. While attempting to adjust to the explosion of healthcare reform, new regulations, performance standards, payment structures, ever-changing technology, and myriad other requirements, there remains the need to provide care to patients – and to do it perfectly every time.

April 01, 2021


Physicians: Provider Enrollment Must Go Digital

As healthcare organizations hire providers, they must enroll the providers with payers; there is also an increasing expectation to shorten the onboarding times. Proper and efficient provider enrollment is the key to providers’ participation with insurance plans.

April 01, 2021


Physicians: Keeping Current When It Comes To CME

Continuing medical education (CME) in the U.S. is regulated by both state medical boards and specialty boards. All states require CME for license registration, and most states require CME for license renewal.

April 01, 2021


Five Tips for Managing Employed Physicians

Physicians often lead the team that surrounds every patient, and we must integrate them into the patient experience in a way that enables the best patient outcomes.

April 01, 2021


Webinar: Panel Discussion on Using Employee Engagement and Talent Strategies to Drive Success (6/29)

Today’s challenges mean that leaders are thinking differently about talent – how to select, engage and develop people at every level who will support the organization’s goals. This interactive panel discussion will explore how senior leaders view talent, today.

April 01, 2021

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